One of the more common complaints we receive is about dogs running loose or barking. Our deed restrictions state the following:
Dogs, cats, or other household pets may be kept, provided that they are not used, bred or maintained for any commercial purposes, are not allowed to run loose in the subdivision, and do not constitute a nuisance to other property owners in Rocky Creek Ranch Subdivision (all phases) by creating excessive noise or odors.
Dogs and cats running loose violates both the deed restrictions and County Law which states that dogs and cats must be controlled by a leash whenever they are off the owners property. More information can be found on the Animal Control webpage:
Excessive barking, especially at night, is a violation of the deed restrictions but there is no law in Comal County about barking dogs.
Feral Cats
Feral cats are usually born in the wild and live in groups called colonies. Stray or abandoned cats sometimes join these colonies. There are a large number of feral cats in the neighborhood. While these cats are generally considered wild, many residents feed them and even provide outdoor shelter for them. Keep in mind that these cats are still wild and simply feeding them does not necessarily create ownership.
While feral cats can be a nuisance, they also keep down vermin such as rats, mice, and snakes. The best way to control the population is through a program called Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in which cats are trapped, neutered, and returned to their colony. Traps can be borrowed for this purpose and the Humane Society of the New Braunfels Area (HSNBA) will neuter feral cats for free. More information can be found on the HSNBA or New Braunfels Community Cat Coalition websites.